Elimination Diet: Day 4

In case your just joining us, here’s my last few posts on the elimination diet:
Hope you had a good 4th!
Elimination Diet: Day 1
Elimination Diet: Day 2
Elimination Diet: Day 3 

Yesterday, I started the day with a rice cake with peanut butter and an apple.
For dinner, I had teriyaki salmon and potatoes. I used the recipe from Our Best Bites, but I left out the marmalade, butter, orange juice, and teriyaki sauce, and used gluten free soy sauce, and then added some ginger, garlic, and extra brown sugar to make up for the teriyaki sauce. I bought a can of pineapple so that I could add the juice to it too, and totally forgot about it. It was pretty good, but still kind of fishy tasting. Next time, I’m going to marinade it for a while first and then cook it.

Today for breakfast, I’m having an apple and peanut butter right as we speak. I won’t be back home til at least 7pm(12 hours…) so I brought a bag of veggies and a rice cake to get me through the day. I also put some sweet pork in the crock pot back home. I didn’t really follow the recipe because you’re supposed to switch things out after 6-8 hours, but we won’t be home, so I just dumped it all in there. So hopefully it turns out!

I stopped taking my probiotic because it was giving me a headache, literally. I was having these awful awful headaches. I’m sure it’s related to when I’m taking it or how, but with finals right on my back, I don’t really have to time figure that out! We’re done with school in a week though, so I will pinpoint it then.

Hope you’re all having a fantastic Tuesday!

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